NEW! e-learning courses launched. Learn online with lifetime access to video tuition.
Ever wanted to learn any of these skills?
Play the didgeridoo like a pro'
Play Jews Harp
Throat sing with different styles

Well now you can with our online video tuition series!
Each of these courses is secure hosted and you can quickly get access, in fact we give you a free trial so you can be sure you will love using them!
Then simply sign up and pay the once-only fee and get lifetime access to a growing library of content.
Each of the course has plenty of lectures and content and we will keep adding to them. The great part is - once you have paid for access you pay nothing more - even if we add loads more and increase the price. You just once and can get your money back if you feel in any way that these are not the best courses around for learning these type of skills.
Click here to go to SFH courses.